CBD (Cannabidiol) vs THC (Tetrahydrocannbinol)

Cbd is short for Cannabidiol which is a chemical found in hemp plant. As more news come out about CBD and with all the endorsements of celebrities and new casters, people are starting to realize the medical benefits of the product. While we all know that THC (pot) gets you high, CBD on the other hand has many medical benefits.

1. Marijuana vs Hemp

Marijuana growers have been inter-breeding pot plants for years trying to get THC levels higher, the more Thc the higher price they have been charging for their illegal product. On the other hand CBD from the Hemp side of the species is legal and the hemp plant that produces CBD is also legal and grown for more than medical purposes.

There are currently over 40,000 uses for the hemp plant and more being found daily. Including clothing, building supplies, dietary supplements and as you can see 40,000 more.

Hemp Cbd vs Marijuna thc

2. CBD will not get you High

Many people don’t want to get high they just want the benefits of using CBD which is not a psychoactive substance. It does not affect the brain the same way THC does.

3. Medical Benefits

Even Doctors are starting to toot the benefits of Cbd, and even States that are very conservative like Florida and Georgia have recently started to consider allowing CBD Oil  (Hemp Oil) as a medical alternative for kids suffering from seizures.

With over 40,000 different uses of the hemp plant and new studies on the effects of cancer, fibromyalgia, dementia, Alzheimer
and many more, the CBD information explosion is just starting.

  1. CB1 and CB2 receptors

    The two types of cannabinoid receptors are called CB1 and CB2. Both are found throughout the body, but are most common in the brain and immune system.
    When cannabinoids activate CB1 or CB2 receptors, they change the way the body functions.

Here is a very useful article from Wikipedia the helps explain the CB 1 and  CB 2 Receptor.

Cannabinoid receptors, located throughout the body, are part of the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.[1]

Professor Velasco a researcher with Complutense University of Madrid  Is currently one of the doctors responsible for finding that cannabis kills cancer cells in animal models.

Watch this video interview with Guillermo Velasco of Complutense  about his finding and the question “Can Marijuana Kill Cancer”

4. CBD Whole Plant Medicine

What is means is a whole plant includes the stock, roots, flowers, leaves, everything nothing is left behind. This means you get
you can get the full specturm of Cbd,  Cbda,  Cbc, Cbn, Cbg, and over 80 other Cannabinoids found in Cannabis, and more are being found daily. Which means that your body could benefit from the one Cbd it’s missing.

CBD’s interact with the receptors in your body, in some cases reducing pain, swelling, spasms, seizures and is even showing anti cancer properties.


5. Not all plants are equal

Some of the products on the market today are products of China, Asia and Europe.

These products are not as strictly controlled for growth and production as those grown in the USA and Canada. Some of these offshore products have tested positive for ecoili, samanila, pesticides, lead, mercury and even arsenic.

The Cbd from these plants are usually by products of plants grown for the sale of Thc and are not full plant extracts only flower based products.


Orgainic vs Synthetic Hemp
Orgainic vs Synthetic Hemp

Finding and sift through all the information takes time and finding a product that is clean and give the full spectrum of CBD is hard to find.

We have done the hard work for you and have found a Company that we believe has the purest, most potent full spectrum Hemp Cbd on the Planet at this time.

We recommend that you Click this link and tap the HOME Page if you want to –> BUY HEMP CBD PRODUCTS <–we have done the hard leg work for you.

You can Buy Cbd on our site.
