900 mg Cbd Gummies are now available in Redwood Meadows!

CBD Gummies For Sleep from Zen Leafs in Redwood Meadows
Use “HEMP299” for a 20% Discount
Regular Price 44.99

All CBD Hemp products are Made in Canada and we provide FREE SHIPPING! This product contains 0% THC.
Buy CBD sleep gummies in Canada with fast shipping! This product contains 10 gummies per pack and there is 30mg CBD content plus melatonin. It is safe to consume on a regular basis as part of a healthy lifestyle. Kiss your sleep problems goodbye and feel your best every night. See below for the full description.
CBD Gummies For Sleep from Zen Leafs in Canada.
Are you looking to get a good night’s rest with tasty CBD gummies for sleep? These CBD gummies are carefully crafted to provide you quality and effective relief for quality and effective sleep.
Infused with melatonin and 99% pure CBD isolate, this product contains zero THC and it will give a great night’s rest. It is safe to use on a regular basis and is non-toxic and non-lethal.
Always consult with your physician if you have any questions about using CBD products as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Serving Size: 30mg CBD per gummy, 10 per container.

New Video on 10x Pure Cbd OIl
How does 10x Pure Cbd Oil help CBDa and the body?
New Update From CTFO
Fantastic Updates from CTFO Corp Call (3/12/19)
From Michael Kahn:Canada Update on Getting CTFO Back into Canada SOON– There has been HUGE progress made over the last few days- Everything is looking phenomenal- CTFO is teaming up with a company to get our products to our Canada family as soon as possible- The company we are teaming up with has over 20 years experience with Health Canada- Everything coming together and looks awesome for Canada- Legality issues look fantastic for approval from HC
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10xPure is a GAME CHANGER.
Basically, 10x Pure is a revolutionary way to deliver broad spectrum C.B.D molecules / oil to the body by using 10x supercharged oxygenated oil.
C.B.D Oil consists of cannabinoids which are NOT water soluble. The process of using Nano technology to assist in making the oil water soluble, offered by competitors, “chops” the molecules of C.B.D . This actually damages the molecules. 10x Pure does NOT damage the molecules. They are all intact, and bioavailable. This is HUGE and we blow away any and all competition. I suggest you read this paragraph again. This sets us apart from those who tout they are water soluble.
Supercharged oxygenated oil LOVES water, and mixes will with it. Since water is the main constituent of blood, the 10x Pure process allows us to transport natural, non-processed broad spectrum C.B.D throughout the bloodstream.
This results in increased absorption and potency! Let me say that again,
This results in increased absorption and potency! And remember, it’s a patented product, and CTFO has an exclusive agreement with the company; we are the ONLY network marketing company offering any technology in our oil!
What happens to potency / absorption?
Well, the 500 mg potency with 10x Pure is approximately equivalent to taking a dose of 3,000 – 5,000 mg. The 1500 mg potency is approximately equivalent to taking a dose of 9,000 – 15,00 mg!
I spoke privately with Jeremy Ducharme at Gala. He is a VERY impressive man, and we had a fantastic conversation. He shared with me that numerous companies made incredible offers, and he choose us. He sees CTFO as becoming the BIGGEST in History. He also wanted to work with warm, sincere, honest and genuine people
The 10x Pure process is real. Without getting scientific, it provides a WATER delivery vehicle, as the C.B.D molecules are actually attracted to water.
This exclusive agreement with 10x Pure gives us an incredible advantage over the competition. It is a total game changer. I am confident it will put CTFO at the top of the C.B.D Oil heap, and keep us there!
Hemp oil, Whats the big buzz?
During the Temporary Hold of Shipping CBD to Canada,
those Canadians who want to view CBD products or ship
CBD product to someone in the USA, simply need to
change their profile.
After they view or ship to someone in USA,
they can go back and change their profile to what it was originally.
Here’s an email from Michael Kahn to Simone Turner with an update on Canada
Things look good with xxxxx. He needs a couple more weeks
to get some renewals done, but then things look promising after that.
I am going to see him on Friday where we will hammer out the last few details.
Assuming those are worked out, we hopefully can re-open the
doors sending CBD to Canada in the middle of March.
Please sign up for Free to receive updates directly from
the Company. Https://Kenhatton.com
To visit us Buy Hemp Cbd Products
You can get 10x Pure Cbd Oil here
Visit us at our Google Business page
Please call us to discuss your options 1-780-499-3146